In the ever-changing landscape of college athletics, the Wolfpack is on an upward trajectory. Because of those many changes, your support is more crucial now than ever.  For our teams to continue to compete at their highest level, we need the support of Wolfpack Nation to rise to another level as well. 

The PACK FORWARD campaign takes a fresh, forward-thinking approach to tickets, parking, and annual donations at NC State. Our goal is to bring our pricing and donation models more in line with the rest of our conference and the other Power Conferences. Pack Forward is a necessary step for NC State Athletics to maintain our success in an ever changing landscape. This is a challenge to all of Wolfpack Nation with the goal of moving the Pack Forward.

Starting in the 2025 season, football season tickets will now be variably priced. Season ticket prices will start at $400, which is lower than the previous couple of years, and range up to $500. Season tickets will also now include a required seat donation (RSD), ranging from $0 to $250 depending on the section selected. This means that an annual season ticket for the 2025 season will range from $400 to $750 depending on the section selected.

The RSD is required on all seats excluding Lifetime Seating Rights (LTRs) and Multi-Year license tickets and is separate from your annual gifts.

See the pricing map below for a full list of prices.

What is an annual season ticket?
Any season ticket, that is not linked to a seating rights contract (Lifetime Rights, multi-year seating rights agreement) with the Wolfpack Club or Athletics Department, is considered an annual season ticket.

Approximately 50% of season tickets for Wolfpack Football are annual season tickets.  These may include, but are not limited to, faculty, staff, recent graduates, Varsity Club and Tuffy's Terrace.   All annual season ticket would be subject to Required Seat Donations (RSD's) starting in 2025.  If you are unsure of your season ticket type, refer to your renewal invoice, or call the ticket office directly at 919-865-1510.  Below is a list of different season ticket groups and how Pack Forward will impact each group:
LTRs and Multi-Year Rights Season Tickets
As an LTR or Multi-Year License season ticket holder, your LTR or Multi-Year License season tickets will not be impacted. You will continue to pay the ticket price listed for your section, but you will not have to pay the required seat donation (RSD) or go through the reseating process. You will maintain your ticket location as long as you renew on time each year and maintain your required annual fund gift tied to your seating rights. If you purchase any additional annual season tickets will be required to pay the RSD and go through the reseating process in 2025 and 2028 for those seats.
TowneBank Center Season Tickets
Pack Forward will not impact your current TowneBank Center season tickets. You will still order your tickets through the Wolfpack Club and maintain the location per the terms of your contract.
Faculty/Staff Season Tickets
As a Faculty and Staff season ticket holder, you will continue to maintain a 20% discount off of the ticket price for up to 4 season tickets. You will have to pay the full required seat donation (RSD) per ticket for the price in the section you select. Faculty and Staff season tickets are no longer limited to specific sections and you may now select anywhere in the stadium. Once you make your new seat selection for the 2025 season, you will be able to renew your seat location for the 2026 and 2027 renewal cycles as long as you renew by the deadline. Please note that 2028 is a reselection year and you will need to reselect your seats based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank.
Varsity Club Season Tickets
As a Varsity Club season ticket holder, you will continue to maintain a 20% discount off of the ticket price for up to 4 season tickets. You will have to pay the full required seat donation per ticket for the price in the section you select. Once you make your new seat selection for the 2025 season, you will be able to renew your seat location for the 2026 and 2027 renewal cycles as long as you renew by the deadline. Please note that 2028 is a reselection year and you will need to reselect your seats based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank.
Recent Grad Season Tickets
As a Recent Grad season ticket holder, you will continue to maintain a 20% discount off of the ticket price for up to 4 season tickets as long as you are still eligible for the recent grad season tickets. You will have to pay the full required seat donation (RSD) per ticket for the price in the section you select. Once you make your new seat selection for the 2025 season, you will be able to renew your seat location for the 2026 and 2027 renewal cycles as long as you renew by the deadline. Please note that 2028 is a reselection year and you will need to reselect your seats based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank.

For more information on Recent Grad season tickets visit
Renewing Your Seat Locations

As part of this campaign, season ticket seat locations are now renewable for 3-year cycles and will follow the schedules below:
  • 2025 - Select Your Seats based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank. If you are not a Wolfpack Club Member then you will make your selection following Wolfpack Club Members based upon your order date.
  • 2026 and 2027 - Renew your seat locations as part of the renewal process; with on-time, qualifying season ticket renewal and maintain your current annual scholarship fund donation.
  • 2028 - Everyone (excluding LTR and Multi-Year License holders) may reselect their seats based upon Wolfpack Club Priority Rank.
Starting in 2025
2025 Football Season Ticket FAQ
Are season tickets priced differently depending on location?

Yes, as with Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Carter-Finley Stadium will now have variable price points for season tickets based on the sections of the stadium. This has already been in place for single game tickets for many years.

What are per seat donations?

Seats purchased that are not currently under a Lifetime Seating Rights (LTR) or multi-year seat license, traditionally called “annual seats”, will have a required seat donation (RSD) attached to each season ticket. Likewise, with the variable season ticket price, these seat donations will be priced at different levels based on section.

Why is the per seat donation broken out on the price table?

The per seat donation is shown separately from the ticket price for a couple of reasons. If you are a LTR or multi-year rights season ticket holder, you will not have to pay the required seat donation and instead will only pay the ticket price. Also, by breaking out the price, you will be earning lifetime giving toward your Wolfpack Club rank. As long as you are an active member of the Wolfpack Club, this will help you improve your rank selection for ticket, parking and future post season events.

Does paying the RSD make me an active member of the Wolfpack Club?

While paying the RSD counts towards your lifetime giving, it does not make you an active Wolfpack Club Member. To be an active Wolfpack Club Member, you will need to donate to the annual fund at least at the minimum Teammate Level of $120 per year. Visit for more information on membership levels and benefits.

What about my LTR Seat Locations?

Per seat donations will not be imposed on Lifetime Rights or multi-year license season tickets. You will have to pay the new variable price for the season tickets and any additional season tickets ordered will have a per seat donation attached.

How does this impact NC State Faculty and Staff?

As a faculty and staff season ticket holder, you will still maintain a 20% discount off of the ticket price for up to 4 season tickets. You will have to pay the full required seat donation per ticket for the price in the section you select. Faculty and Staff season tickets are no longer limited to specific sections and you may now select anywhere in the stadium based on availability at your selection time.

How do I order ADA seating?

When ordering your season tickets you will need to check the ADA seating box to be able to access the ADA seating during your selection. ADA seating is located at the top of the lower bowl sections, with wheelchair seating only being available at the top of the end zone sections (210-215 and 216-227), and limited mobility at the top of the sideline sections (1-6 and 17-24). The top of the end zone ADA seating is $400 with no required RSD. The sideline seating will match the price and RSD of the section selected.

Will I be able to select a new seating location in 2026 if I want to change my 2025 seats?

Although you will have an appointment time to view any availability, there is expected to be very minimal attrition or available inventory to move to or add to during the two seasons of renewable seating.

Are you implementing this campaign for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Baseball?

While we anticipate this coming to Men’s and Women’s Basketball in the near future, nothing has been finalized or imminent. Baseball has had this model in place starting with the 2022 Stadium Enhancement Fund of $100/ticket.


Parking Permit prices will remain the same at $150 per permit. Starting with the 2025 season, each lot will have a required space donation (RSD) attached to the pass ranging from $0 to $350 per parking permit depending on the lot selected. The per space donation is required and is separate from your Wolfpack Club annual gifts.

See the pricing map below for a full list of lots and prices.

Below is a list of the types of parking permits and how Pack Forward will impact each group.
Faculty and Staff Parking Permits
You will still receive your complimentary parking permit with your Faculty and Staff season tickets. Beginning in 2025, your Faculty and Staff parking permit will count as your priority permit and you may select it in any available parking lot based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank. You will need to pay the required space (RSD) donation that is tied to the lot that you select.
Varsity Club Parking Permits
You will still receive your complimentary parking permit with your Varsity Club season tickets, which will continue to count as a priority permit. You may now select your Varsity Club parking permit in any available parking lot based upon your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank. You will need to pay the required space donation (RSD) that is tied to the lot that you select.
TowneBank Center Parking Permits
You will still receive the parking permit that comes with your Dail Club, Wolves Den, or Suite tickets. During the selection process, you may pick any available parking space within the available lots, but you will have to pay the required space donation (RSD) tied to the parking lot selected.
Faculty/Staff/Varsity Club Lot is now the Trinity Lot
Starting with the 2025 season, the former Faculty/Staff/Varsity Club Lot is now called the Trinity Lot.  This lot is now able to be selected as a public parking lot during the parking selection process.  NC State faculty, staff and Varsity Club members have the ability to select parking in any available parking lots in 2025.
Renewing Parking Locations

Due to the uncertainty of the arena parking lot construction projects, we are not initially allowing parking to be a renewable location. Doing so would put a large number of donors originally selecting in an arena lot without a space to park if this were to occur during the renewal cycle. Once the arena lots construction project is completed and all of our parking lots stabilize, parking will begin its 3-year cycle of being able to renew your locations on the same schedule as seating.
Starting in 2025
2025 Football Season Parking FAQ
What is changing?

Beginning with the 2025 season, most parking lots will have a required space donation (RSD) attached to each pass ranging from $0 to $350. This per permit contribution is required and is separate from your Wolfpack Club annual gifts.

Can I renew my parking location?

Due to uncertainty around the arena parking lot construction, initially, only seating locations will be immediately eligible for renewal. Parking permits will continue to be reselected each year until the arena lots construction project is completed and those lots stabilize. Once that occurs, parking will begin its 3-year cycle of being able to renew your locations.

What are the latest updates with the Lenovo Center lots and pending redevelopment changes?

Much will change with the lots around Lenovo Center in the coming years. We will contine to update our fans as new information becomes available. As of December 2024, here is what we know and how it will affect parking for NC State Football:

2025 Football Season: Minimal changes to parking lots: 3000, 4000 lots will lose a few rows of parking closest to the building due to the expansion of the Lenovo Center loading dock. 220 parking spots between the 3000 and 4000 lots have been taken offline and will no longer be available for selection.

2026 Football season: 1000 Lot and East VIP Lot are scheduled to go offline as parking garage structures construction will be underway. 1,040 surface spots will go offline in the 1000 Lot and East VIP Lot and will be replaced by 700 garage spots for 2026.

2027 Football season: Two parking garage structures are scheduled to be open and available for use. In addition to the 700 garage spots that will be available in 2026, 1000 additional garage parking spots will be available in 2027. Lots 5000 and 6000 are scheduled to be unavailable as district construction will be underway (1,150 parking spots will go offline starting in 2027.)

**Tentative timelines. Development and construction projects and timing are subject to change**

Will the parking required space donation count towards my annual scholarship donation?

No, the required space donation will not count towards your annual scholarship donation. The RSD will receive Wolfpack Club priority points and thus improve your priority rank, but not replace any required annual scholarship contributions.

Is the required space donation the same for all Lots?

No, the required space donation will range from $0 to $350 per permit.

Can I opt out of the required space donation?

The parking space donation will be based on the lot you select. If you do not wish to participate, you will need to select a lot that does not contain the RSD. You are not able to opt out of the RSD if the lot has one attached.

How do I order ADA parking?

When ordering your season parking, you will need to provide the NC State Athletics Ticket Office a copy of your ADA placard. There are a limited number of ADA parking spaces located in Stadium West, Stadium North and Stadium East Lots that are available based on Wolfpack Club Priority Rank. If a space is available during your selection, you may select it and pay the required space donation for that lot. If you do not wish to pay the required space donation, you may select the Westchase ADA Lot. This lot has a fully accessible shuttle that will pick you up and drop you off outside of Gate 11.

How will NC State Faculty/Staff and Varsity Club members be handled?

Beginning with the 2025 season, faculty/staff and varsity club will now be able to select their permit that comes with their season tickets in any available lot. There will no longer be a specific faculty/staff/varsity club lot, and your pass may be selected in any available lot at your Wolfpack Club Priority Rank. Your parking permit that comes with your season tickets will now count as your priority pass, so you will not need to purchase an additional pass to receive this benefit. You will need to pay the required space donation for the lot you select. If you do not wish to pay the required space donation, you will need to select a lot without the RSD.

What is changing for the Motorhome Lot?

To be eligible to request a season Motorhome Lot permit, donors must be at the Captain’s Level annual fund level or be an all-in donor of $20,000 annually (inclusive of annual fund and major gifts). If you are interested in more information please contact the Wolfpack Club at (919)865-1500 or email

2025 Wolfpack Club Annual Giving Information

The Wolfpack Club Annual Scholarship Fund continues to remain a vital part of supporting NC State student-athletes. The Annual Giving levels are evaluated each year to ensure they still meet the needs of NC State Athletics. The giving levels have not increased since 2019.

Starting for the 2025 year, the new Annual Giving levels are below:

Teammate Club - $120
State Club - $500
Lobo Club - $1,000
Pack Club - $2,000
Coaches Circle - $3,000
Red/White Circle - $5,000
Carter-Finley Circle - $6,500
Legend’s Level - $10,000
Captain’s Level - $12,500
Director’s Level - $20,000
Strutting Wolf - $25,000
Alpha Wolf - $50,000

Please note that three of the giving levels have been removed: Bell Tower Club, Reynolds Club, and Lone Wolf. This was done to allow us to focus more on the benefits provided at each level and deliver a top-notch experience to our donors. 

If there is a minimum required giving level for your seats (i.e. Lifetime Rights Holders and premium seat holders in TowneBank Center), or you receive an additional parking permit on priority based on your giving level, you will need to stay at that giving level by increasing to the new minimum amount. If you are already giving above the new minimum amount for that level, you are not required to increase your donation.
Seating Example:
If your current LTR contract requires you maintain a Coaches Circle Membership Level, you will need to increase your donation to at least $3,000 to maintain your LTR seats.
Parking Example:
If you currently give at the Carter-Finley Circle level to receive an additional priority parking permit, you will need to increase your donation to at least $6,500 to to receive the additional permit